Cultural and historical tourism:
  • Visit world heritage sites such as Petra and Rum Valley.
  • Explore Amman's historic museums and sites such as Qal 'at Al Karak and the National Museum.
  • Plan a visit during periods of less congestion so you can enjoy attractions without congestion.
Natural Tourism and Adventure:
  • Take a trip to Rum Valley to see great sandy rocks and navigate by means such as camel rides or pocket safari.
  • Visit the Red Sea to dive and explore coral reefs.
  • Experience desert adventures and climbing in areas such as Jabal Al-Forbeen and the Mujib Valley.
Religious Tourism:
  • Visit important religious sites such as the Dead Sea and the Holy Immersion Site
  • Visit the Old City of Amman and visit many historic mosques and churches
  • Make sure to understand local morals and traditions when visiting religious sites
Medical and wellness tourism:
  • Find spas and spas specializing in comfort and relaxation.
  • Take advantage of traditional treatments such as clay baths and massage with aromatic oils.
  • Explore quiet and natural areas for a comprehensive wellness experience..
Family Tourism:
  • Choose family-friendly destinations such as Dead Sea theme parks or zoos in Oman.
  • Within a schedule commensurate with the interests of the whole family.
  • Use the opportunity to teach children about Jordanian history and culture.
Marketing Tourism
  • Walk around Old Town markets in Oman for traditional gifts and handicrafts.
  • Visit the gold and antiques markets in the capital.
  • Make sure to try local cuisine and buy unique handicrafts as a memory
Food Tourism
  • Experience traditional Jordanian cuisine such as towel, heater and falafel
  • Visit local restaurants to taste delicious cuisine and experience the traditional Jordanian atmosphere
  • Don't miss out on a meal at a restaurant with a great view of the attractions
Sports Tourism
  • Enjoy water sports activities in the Red Sea such as surfing and snorkelling
  • Take mountaineering trips in amazing natural areas
  • Find sand skiing opportunities in Wadi Rum
Educational Tourism:
  • Visit historical sites with local guides to understand the historical context
  • Read about Jordan's history and culture before visiting
  • Visit schools and universities to understand the educational system and meet with local youth
Technical Tourism:
  • Use local apps and technology to facilitate your journey and communicate with local people
  • Share your experiences and photos on social media to encourage others to visit Jordan
  • Find technical events or exhibitions for innovation and technology if you are interested in them